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reduce your carbon footprint festaff blog 2

We all need to do our bit to keep carbon emissions down. Whilst sometimes that can be easier said than done, we've put together a few tips on how to make your festival volunteering experience that little bit greener...

Take it home with you – Any event with thousands of people attending is guaranteed to generate litter, but you can do your bit to reduce that. Take home your tent & make sure you leave your campsite nice and clean (like the one pictured above!!). Music festival sites are home to livestock for the other 50 or so weeks of the year, don’t spoil their home!

Take the bike instead – Travel light and cycle to the festival, double check there’s a bike lockup first though!

Get a posh tent – For many, the temptation of cheap tents from the local supermarket is too much. A tent that costs £15 will probably leave you high and not very dry if the weather decides to turn. All too often tents are left behind for the litter pickers to dispose of. This is incredibly wasteful. Get a decent £100 tent, look after it, re-use it.

Cut out the disposables – plastic cups, straws, forks and other similar items create the majority of litter found at festivals. Pack some re-usable cutlery and a tin plate & mug instead.

Travel share – You can head to most festivals these days via public transport, but it is worth pointing out that bespoke coach packages are often out of the question when you volunteer as you arrive earlier. You could share a taxi from a local train station or you could just check out the Festaff travel share page. Any other volunteers looking for a lift or offering a spare seat up in their car will be pointed this way in the run up to summer. You’ll save yourselves a ton of money & cut your carbon emissions in the process! Win-win!

reduce your carbon footprint festaff blog 3

"You can recycle like mad, you can bring people on public transport, which we do. Overall, though, with generator-diesel and travel, the greenest thing to do is not to run the event. But if we want something like Glastonbury, if it's part of our culture, that's the price one has to pay. The spiritual high that people get across the nation, and the moral integrity of the crowd, outweighs the environmental impact. We've always minimised the damage. But if you switched off everything that created carbon, we'd be bored to tears" - Michael Eavis
